Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Looking Forward for New Opportunities

Speaking American enjoyed to host 15 years of statewide annual contests starting with Grades 3-5 and over the years adding to Grades 6-8. Our unique feature was the 1-Minute Talks for Grades 3-5. We also added Bilingual Talks for Grades 7 and 8. A few more minutes were required using English and another language, including Chinese, Russian, French and Spanish. It was a real adventure for contestants and audience too. Now, learning and speaking languages are more fun for sure. There are new materials available with audio which helps a lot. Take a look at In 10 minutes a day by K.K. Kershul. This is a basic starting source not only a book but a digital download. Libraries across the state have many sources for learning and speaking languages and joining in activities -- including English. It's worthwhile to ask at your local library. Public Speaking is perfect for your school as a special exercise to build your communication skills. Ask your Teacher. My book, The Art of Public Speaking for All Ages, is online. Just look at Send me your comments. Thanks. Get Ahead as the weather co-operates!